Rorschach (/roar-shock/) 

unknown skull with ants wandering its sockets and broken bottles cemented on top of walls 

cemented skull broken and wandering with its walls of ants on bottles unknown top sockets 

walls of top broken sockets with cemented ants on unknown bottles with its wandering skull 

ants broken of unknown top wandering with cemented on sockets and skull walls its bottles   

sockets top bottles of skull on ants walls broken wandering cemented and unknown with its 

walls of bottles wandering broken and ants unknown its skull cemented with top sockets on  

bottles of ants cemented with wandering sockets broken and its walls unknown on skull top 

sockets wandering bottles of walls its broken ants cemented unknown and top with skull on 

top its walls bottles sockets and ants unknown of broken wandering on cemented skull with 

sockets its ants top broken skull walls with unknown bottles of wandering on cemented and