Death Rattle Aubade

Terminal respiratory secretions or hoof-time of vanishment?

A baby rattle within her pharynx resembling a mirrored honey dipper see-sawing

Visceral beans knocking prescience or herd of ancient Podolic cattle silver & stampeding in - verse?

Riverine throat She is guided now by her own salival rhythm Oar-chestrating a coda

What is the etymology of a river? Dew-drop born She is gondola-shaped in death

A percussive snake Her lopsided spine buoyant & blooming

From placental Black Forest (O glucose of oak) To Black Sea galloping toward 

aftermath I hear her

O lyre-like horns 

What is the osteometric record of migratory music?

I craft a harmonica from pneumatic swan-skeletons

Stethoscopic I listen for syllabic palpitations I see you I saw you

What goes up in sound must come down in silence

She who was with us in dusk is by dawn no longer

Death’s corridor is a corn poppy meadow where a chord of Danubian meadow vipers becomes—

A triangular welcome rug An ancestral tambourine An unspooling mother tongue