Masterclass in Neurotwanging


Pacing aspiration with Xancel xulture

connective~channels of in




rarefy journeyback guarantees

playing on step_



                                   wise novelties

is a trigger ^^ of arrows on grèy

matters, —fact—

tabbed with pinched thumbs

and middle finger electrochemicals

by the @cracy

t-r-u-t-h-s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d initiates of IT cells draw |}

the smooth parabolics of crooked aim 


cognitive load

theories that start 

to wear sensory 

nets of #shoebox dimensions 

direct < the ^compound v-eyes > of media 

to innervate halls of /law\

and unfleched policies negotiable 

but not less than < multitudinous vesicles

overfiring imagination is a silencer trade/off

***whorling dervishes of [alt-right] 

capslocking Cartel Oblongata ™

activating competitive gunrunning 

with shifty+return fascia governance



long-term reward-signal pathways

coucou particuliers.